Saturday, September 13, 2008

Money is the Root of All Doubts

I have lotsa plans in my mind that I wanna achieve. Yet I have so many doubts that hinder me from taking action. Do it or not? That's the question I repeatedly ask myself. My latest craze is online business, given that money is the motivation for me to enjoy a more comfortable life. Been browsing thru websites on my lookout for a decent side-income avenue for the past two years. There are plenty of them but what I was flooded with was heap of doubts that I can do it. My main worry is, I will never get anything started forever becoz I keep looking for the best opportunities but the best opportunity might have slipped away in my obsession of finding one. Perhaps I should learn how to 'manage opportunities'. Time is fast catching up. I will reach my 30th annivesary in less than 4 years (meaning less than 1460 days!). It's a shame to count what I've achieved all this while if money is used as a benchmark for success. To say that I'm employed with four figure income is not good enough. There are young people out there who started from scratch and they are earning a hefty five to six figure income in 30 days. I only have myself to blame if I don't achieve any breakthrough in a year or two. The big question is .... what is it that I really wanna do ....

Monday, September 1, 2008

A Day without a Car

Car is a necessity to travel, much less to release stress through leisurely drive. Though I earned my driving license in 2003, I hardly drive because I didn't own a car. Being a student, I used to take a bus ride whenever I attend college and vice versa. I hate this monotonous experience, especially when I had to jostle with many foreign construction workers - all vying for a seat amid the excessively packed bus. This had been my way of life until I landed a job with my current employer. I had the luxury of riding in my sister in-law's kancil and were exempted from paying any fare for a return ride to and from Kolombong.

In 2007, my dream of driving my own car materialised. An old Toyota Corolla Deluxe was delivered by my brother and I was the proud owner of it until recently, when I had to abandon it due to numerous reasons that I had lamented in my previous posts. Yes, I'm now without a car and have to commute to workplace in my brother and sister in-law's car. On Saturday, I'll have to walk 1-2km to take a bus ride to attend my church service. This sounds like nothing but actually, there's a huge difference of having and not having a car. I miss the days I had a car - though I condemn it's annoying threats on my safety and comfort.

Here is a breaking news. I just learned that my car engine is overhauled again (in less than a year), meaning I can't sell it even for just RM2000. My ultimate decision is to chop the body and sell her as scrap metal while her parts can be sold as second hand parts.
How long will I have to do without a car? It's so inconvenient and I enjoy no freedom of travelling! I'm counting down the days when I will buy a replacement car. My heart throbs faster in anxious anticipation of my future car. Uhuk ....